Wednesday, November 6, 2013


The selection I chose was "New Moon".

                In the third chapter of this selection Edward tells Bella that Alice has gone away with Jasper. Bella feels guilty for pushing Alice and Jasper out of their own home for her safety. As she comes home from working, she finds Edward waiting at her house. He is completely unresponsive to her and she realizes that some type of change is near. A few days pass with no change in Edward’s behavior, so Bella decides to have a stern talk with him. Edward beats her to the punch and he asks her to go for a walk in the woods. Edward tells Bella that he and his family are leaving without her which devastates Bella. He explains to her why he has to leave but Bella protests. While Bella struggles to take in his words, Edward’s face is stern in his decision. He promises to disappear as if he’d never existed and that in time she will soon forget him. He bids her good-bye and leaves her alone in the forest. Bella is shell-shocked so she begins to stumble blindly through the forest looking for him. As night falls, she notices that the sky it utterly black. Sam Uley, a young man from the La Push Indian reservation, finds Bella and carries her home. He’s part of a search party put together by Charlie and his old friend Billy. In half-sleep, Bella overhears Charlie saying that there are bonfires at La Push, celebrating some kind of event. We gather that the Quileute are happy about the departure of the Cullens. Bella descends into unconsciousness. My reaction to reading this selection was surprised at how easily Edward could just give her up. The author’s intent was twisting the story into the first climax of the story, Edward’s departure. Some patterns of organization I observed were cause and effect.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

4.08 Free Choice Blog

The selection I chose was "New Moon".

                In the second chapter of this selection it is the aftermath of Bella’s birthday disaster. Everyone but Carlisle and Edward leave the room while clenching their noses due to their sensitivity to blood. To keep the accident from a very worrisome Charlie, Bella asks Carlisle to patch her up at the Cullen’s home. Bella is surprised by Carlisle’s invulnerability to the smell of human blood, but he explains that it’s due to his long 300 years as a physician which has given him such tolerance. When Bella asks him what he likes about his job, he says he believes he can redeem himself for what he is- a vampire. He believes that there might be an “afterlife” of sorts for good vampires so he is determined to stick to his path. Carlisle tells Bella that Edward doesn't believe vampires are granted an afterlife, which is why he’s so opposed to transforming Bella. Bella learns that Edward’s mother begged Carlisle on her dying days to save Edward from dying. Bella tries to ignore the Jasper incident as another proof of her vulnerability to getting hurt, but Edward acts very withdrawn knowing the true dangers of being around. After returning to Bella’s home, Edward gives her a CD of songs he wrote for her on the piano. They kiss and cuddle, yet Bella feels as if something is wrong. My reaction to reading this selection wasn't anything drastic, other than Edward’s weird vibes. The author’s intent was to inform us, giving us a deeper look into Carlisle’s and Edward’s past; as well as the dangers Bella may face. Some patterns of organization I observed were cause and effect organization.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Free Choice Blog 3.07

The selection I chose was "New Moon".


                In the first chapter of this selection we are Bella dreams of her grandmother who died a couple of years prior. Her boyfriend, Edward, enters the dream and she soon realizes the figure isn’t her grandmother but in fact it’s her. This symbolizes her fear of growing old, considering it’s her birthday. She still lives in Forks with her father Charlie, and is still in debate about her “transformation” into a vampire with her boyfriend. Bella goes to school to find out that Alice has planned a birthday party for her and begs her not to ruin the event with her misery.  Before the party, Bella and Edward watch Romeo and Juliet for English class. From here he speaks of how he’d go to the vampire authority, The Volturi, to kill him if anything detrimental ever happened Bella.  Edward explains who the Volturi are and his proposition to Bella; she becomes furious. She makes him promise to never think of such things. On their way to the birthday party, Edward asks Bella what she wants for her birthday and her response is to become a vampire. As they arrive Bella is horrified with the over the top celebration, and while opening a gift she cuts herself. Jasper tries to attack Bella due to the smell of blood. Edward fights him off but getting caught in the crossfire Bella further injures herself. My reaction to reading this selection was surprised, I didn’t expect for Bella to be attacked in such a harsh manner. The author’s intent was to lure the reader into the story with a dramatic introduction. Some patterns of organization I observed were cause and effect organization.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Free Choice Blog

The selection I chose was "Twilight".

In the first chapter of this selection we are introduced to the character Bella Swan. She is moving from the sunny Phoenix, Arizona to the rainy town of Forks, Washington. She is making this bold decision so her mom, Renee, can experience true happiness with her fiancé Phil; a baseball player who keeps getting transferred. Although she is making this sacrifice to go and live with her father, Charlie, in the isolated town she truly doesn't want to go. Bella arrives to the town where she reunites with her father after a few years of absence and adjusts to her new life. On the car ride home Charlie and Bella chit chat over the years they’ve missed and catch up on recent events in the town. When they get to the house, she notices that much hasn’t changed from her childhood home, except that her room has been adjusted for her current age. Charlie does his best to make sure that all of Bella's needs are met so she can have a comfortable stay.  Upon her arrival she reunites with a childhood friend, Jacob Black, whose father, Billy Black, sells Charlie a truck for Bella. Even though it’s an old pick-up truck, Bella accepts it with pride. My personal reaction to reading this story was that she is a brave soul for putting her mother’s happiness before her own. If I had the option of my type of note-taking for this story it would be listing. Only because so many things are happening and it's important to keep it in chronological order.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013